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Covid-19 Vaccine Facts:

If you are over the age of 65, you have already been given the opportunity to have both of your covid-19 vaccinations. States have now made vaccinations available to most people 16 years of age and older. All adult Americans will be eligible to get vaccinated against Covid-19 by April 19, 2021 according to the Biden administration.

People under the age of 65 and women are more likely to report side effects from the vaccines. Remember, according to the CDC, you are still protected by the vaccine (two weeks after your second dose) whether you experience side effects or not. If you do feel any side effects after the first or second dose, the effects should begin one to two days after the injection and only last an average of one or two days. More specifically, Pfizer side effects may start within 8-12 hours of the injection, and Moderna side effects may take day or two to develop.

Approximately 50% of people who take the vaccines will experience some kind of side effects. Side effects are more common following the second dose because your body has developed antibodies from the first dose.

The following information outlines possible side effects and tips to keep in mind when receiving your first and second dose of the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines.

After Your First Dose:

Most people have no symptoms or mild symptoms after receiving the first dose of either Pfizer or Moderna. Mild symptoms mostly involve pain associated with the injection site such as:

  • Pain
  • Redness
  • Swelling

You can treat the site with a cool compress. Remember it helps to move and exercise your arm after vaccination.

These symptoms usually do not disrupt daily activities and tend to go away within one or two days.

After Your Second Dose:

  • Pain, redness, swelling at injection site
  • Tiredness
  • Headache
  • Muscle pain
  • Chills
  • Fever
  • Nausea
  • Dizziness

You can additionally treat these symptoms with Advil or Ibuprofen if recommended by your medical provider.

Like the milder symptoms many experience with the first dose, these side effects tend to go away within one or two days.

*If your symptoms last longer, or get worse, you should call your doctor and seek medical care right away. If symptoms are very severe you should call 911.

Final Takeaways:

Whether you experience none, some, or all of these side effects, remember it is far better than the effects and duration associated with having COVID-19. Only when the majority of Americans are vaccinated, we will breathe a collective sigh of relief.

**Regarding Johnson & Johnson’s Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine: 

The CDC and FDA have recommended a pause in the use of Johnson & Johnson’s Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine in the United States out of an abundance of caution, effective Tuesday, April 13.

People who have received the J&J/Janssen COVID-19 vaccine within the past three weeks who develop severe headache, abdominal pain, leg pain, or shortness of breath should seek medical care right away.

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